Category: Senior Transportation

Arranging Medical Transportation for Family Members

We can’t always be there to drive our loved ones in wheelchairs to where they need to go, be it doctor’s appointments or medical procedures, where traditional public transport options are less than practical. Accessible transportation is a valuable resource to everyone utilizing wheelchairs, especially those unable to drive themselves.

Five Things to Consider When Arranging Wheelchair Accessible Transportation for Arizona Seniors

Accessible wheelchair transportation plays a big role in many of Arizona seniors’ lives. A resource as simple as being able to get a ride to a medical appointment or the grocery store when a family member is unavailable can make all the difference in their lives.

How Access to Transportation Can Improve Quality of Life for Seniors

It’s important for seniors to have access to reliable and safe transportation. How exactly does access to transportation benefit the quality of life of our senior community? Being without transportation can have a negative impact on the lives we lead. Seniors that are unable to drive themselves are more likely to miss vital appointments, procedures, or testing. Working with a safe, sanitized, reliable, and accessible transportation company will ensure that appointments are never missed and health is being maintained optimally.